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V. Yelisieiev, Lutsenko, V. , Tepla, T. , Ruzova, T. , and Harasek, M. , Water saturation of coal samples during long-term impregnationAbstract, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1156, no. 1, p. 012022, 2023.
F. Wesenauer, Jordan, C. , Birkelbach, F. , Pichler, M. , Harasek, M. , and Winter, F. , Pore-forming additives in brick production and their behaviour in the burning process - first results of an ongoing investigation, in 15th Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik, Leoben, Austria, 2019.
B. D. Weiß and Harasek, M. , Solubility Data of Potential Salts in the MgO-CaO-SO2-H2O-O2 System for Process Modeling, Processes, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 50, 2021.
E. - M. Wartha, Bösenhofer, M. , Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Mesh Partitioning of Reactive Flow Simulations – Speed-up and Other Side Effects, in 9th European Combustion Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
E. - M. Wartha, Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Computational Improvements for the Eddy Dissipation Concept by Operator Splitting and Tabulation, in Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, vol. 43, 2018, pp. 1687–1692.
E. M. Wartha, Ormaza, M. D. Cabrerea, Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Artificial Neural Networks to Substitute the ODE Solver in Reactive Flow Simulations. pp. 266-271, 2021.
E. - M. Wartha, Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Characteristic Chemical Time Scales for Reactive Flow Modeling, Combustion Science and Technology, pp. 1-26, 2020.
E. - M. Wartha, A Study on New Developments and Chemical Time Scale Definitions for the Eddy Dissipation Concept, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Umwelttechnik und Technische Biowissenschaften, 2017.
E. - M. Wartha, Haugen, N. Erland, Karchniwy, E. , Bösenhofer, M. , Harasek, M. , and Løvås, T. , The effect of turbulence on the conversion of coal under blast furnace raceway conditions, Fuel, vol. 331, p. 125840, 2023.
E. - M. Wartha, Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Importance of considering interstitial fluid effects in the kinetic theory of granular flow for raceway formation prediction, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 247, p. 117026, 2022.
E. - M. Wartha, Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Combining an implicit solution with an explicit corrector step for the solution of the continuity equations in a two-fluid solver, in 14th International Conference on CFD in 6 Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway, October 12–14, 2020, Trondheim, Norway, 2020.
E. - M. Wartha, Birkelbach, F. , Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Enhanced kinetic model identification for gas–solid reactions through Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 430, p. 132850, 2022.
E. Wartha, Bösenhofer, M. , Hauzenberger, F. , Stocker, H. , Feilmayr, C. , and Harasek, M. , Influence of Raceway Shape on Species Concentration, in AISTech 2022 Proceedings of the Iron and Steel Technology ConferenceAISTech 2022 Proceedings of the Iron and Steel Technology Conference, 2022.
M. Staudacher, Harasek, M. , Brinkmann, T. , and Hilgendorff, W. , Fluiddynamische Simulation in der Membrantechnik, 2001. (597.6 KB)
M. Staudacher, Harasek, M. , Brinkmann, T. , Hilgendorff, W. , and Friedl, A. , CFD-simulation of mass transfer effects in gas and vapour permeation modules, Desalination, vol. 146, pp. 237–241, 2002.
M. Staudacher, Harasek, M. , Brinkmann, T. , Hilgendorff, W. , and Friedl, A. , CFD-Simulation of Membrane Modules in Gas and Vapor Permeation: Comparison of the Influence of different Geometries on Mass Transfer through Membranes, in Book of Abstracts, 2002.
M. Staudacher, Harasek, M. , Brinkmann, T. , Hilgendorff, W. , and Friedl, A. , CDF-Simulation of Mass Transfer Effects in Gas and Vapour Permeation Moduls, in ICOM 2002, 2002.
I. Siminiceanu, Dragan, M. , Friedl, A. , Harasek, M. , and Dragan, S. , Gas Cleaning in Absorption Columns with Structured Packing, in Chemical Industry and Environment IV, 2nd Volume, 2003.
I. Siminiceanu, Dragan, M. , Dragan, S. , Friedl, A. , and Harasek, M. , Hydrodynamics of Absorption Columns with Structured Packing, in Book of Abstracts Volume I, OP025, Bucharest, Romania, 2002.
S. Sharifian, Kolur, N. Asasian, and Harasek, M. , Transient simulation and modeling of photovoltaic-PEM water electrolysis, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 1097 - 1107, 2020.
Т. А. Ruzova, Haddadi, B. , Jonach, T. , Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Development of a computer vision-based measuring system for investigating the porous media structure, Materials Characterization, vol. 203, p. 113087, 2023.
F. Ramonet, Haddadi, B. , Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Modelling and Design of Optimal Internal Loop Air-Lift Reactor Configurations Through Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 94, pp. 817-822, 2022.
F. Ramonet, Haddadi, B. , and Harasek, M. , Optimal Design of Double Stage Internal Loop Air-Lift Bioreactor, Energies, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 3267, 2023.
F. Ramonet, Haddadi, B. , Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Modelling of Multi Stage Internal Loop Air Lift Bioreactor Utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics, in 17th Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik, 2023.
S. Puskas, Jordan, C. , Pichler, M. , Wesenauer, F. , Streibl, B. , Winter, F. , and Harasek, M. , Zwischenbericht 2 Projekt TOREtech. 2020.
