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B. Haddadi, Jordan, C. , Norouzi, H. R. , and Harasek, M. , Numerical Investigation of Particle Types Influence on Packed Bed Adsorber Behaviour, in 12th International Conference on CFD in Oil {\&} Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim, Norway, 2017.
B. Haddadi, Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Numerical Simulation of Adsorption Phenomena Using Multi-Region Approach, in Proceedings, 2015.
B. Haddadi, Jordan, C. , Norouzi, H. R. , and Harasek, M. , Numerical Investigation of Particle Types Influence on Packed Bed Adsorber Behaviour, in Proceedings, 2017.
B. Haddadi, Jordan, C. , Schretter, P. , Lassmann, T. , and Harasek, M. , Designing Better Membrane Modules Using CFD, Chemical Product and Process Modeling, vol. 11, pp. 57–66, 2016.
B. Haddadi, Gasser, C. , Jordan, C. , Harasek, M. , and Lendl, B. , Simultaneous Laser Doppler Velocimetry and stand-off Raman spectroscopy as a novel tool to assess flow characteristics of process streams, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 334, pp. 123–133, 2018.
B. Haddadi, Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Impact of CFD Partitioning Strategies on Power Efficiency of High Performance Computing, in Proceedings, 2017.
B. Haddadi, Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Numerische Simulation des Konzentrations- & und Strömungsprofiles in einem Festbettadsorber, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, vol. 87, p. 1040, 2015.
M. Gutierrez, Taco, D. , Bösenhofer, M. , Harasek, M. , Castillo, A. , and Iniguez, J. , Effect of Different Diesel Fuel Nozzle Holes Geometries on Cavitation, in Conference on Sustainable Mobility SAE Technical Paper Series, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States, 2022.
M. Gutierrez, Taco, D. , Bösenhofer, M. , Harasek, M. , Castillo, A. , Iniguez, J. , Reyes, G. , and Guanuche, D. , Experimental Collision and Swirl of CFD Simulated Fuel Sprays in a Dual Injector Cylinder Head Concept, in 16th International Conference on Engines & VehiclesSAE Technical Paper Series, Capri, Italy400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States, 2023.
M. Gföhler, Janeczek, C. , Karabegovic, A. , Futter, L. , Harasek, M. , Haddadi, B. , Jordan, C. , Krenn, C. G. , Neudl, S. , and Ullrich, R. , Intracorporeal Membrane Catheter for CO2 Reduction in the Blood - Drive Unit and Control System, in International Journal of Artificial Organs, 2017.
A. Feichtinger, Makaruk, A. , Weinmüller, E. , Friedl, A. , and Harasek, M. , Collocation Method for the Modeling of Membrane Gas Permeation Systems, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, vol. 15, pp. 307–316, 2014.
M. Elenkov, Ecker, P. , Lukitsch, B. , Janeczek, C. , Harasek, M. , and Gföhler, M. , Estimation Methods for Viscosity, Flow Rate and Pressure from Pump-Motor Assembly Parameters, Sensors, vol. 20, no. 5, p. 1451, 2020.
P. Ecker, Haddadi, B. , Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Feasibility study of the {$\Gamma-Re_\Theta$} turbulence model for internal mixing, PFAU - OpenFOAM® User Meeting. 2017.
D. Dimitrijević, Bösenhofer, M. , and Harasek, M. , Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation of Two Non-Dissolving Liquids—A Mini Review, Processes, vol. 11, no. 4, p. 1145, 2023.
D. Dimitrijević, Schmid, M. , Harasek, M. , and Bösenhofer, M. , Comparison of experimental, empirical, and CFD pressure losses of lab-scale sampling cyclones, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 354, p. 128992, 2025.
M. Bösenhofer, Wartha, E. , Jordan, C. , Hauzenberger, F. , Feilmayr, C. , Stocker, H. , Rieger, J. , König, B. , and Harasek, M. , Pulverized Coal Conversion in Blast Furnaces — Analysis of Involved Scales, in AISTech2020 Proceedings of the Iron and Steel Technology Conference, 2020.
M. Bösenhofer, Wartha, E. - M. , Jordan, C. , Harasek, M. , Feilmayr, C. , and Hauzenberger, F. , Characterization of Gas Phase Reaction Regime in the Raceway Zone, in AISTech 2018 Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2018.
M. Bösenhofer, Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Radiation in particle clouds, Annual K1-Met Simulation Conference. Vienna, Austria, 2018.
M. Bösenhofer, Analysis and evaluation of steady-state and non-steady-state preserving operator splitting schemes for reaction-diffusion(-advection) problems, Combustion and Flame, vol. 255, p. 112881, 2023.
M. Bösenhofer, Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Towards Generic Reactive Flow Modelling, in VSS 2017 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
M. Bösenhofer, Hecht, E. , Shaddix, C. R. , König, B. , Rieger, J. , and Harasek, M. , Computational fluid dynamics analysis of char conversion in Sandia’s pressurized entrained flow reactor, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 91, no. 7, p. 074103, 2020.
M. Bösenhofer, Jordan, C. , Harasek, M. , Feilmayr, C. , Hauzenberger, F. , Walk, A. , and Tjaden, S. , Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) Test Facilities and Methods - Overview and Recommendations, in AISTech 2018 Proceedings, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2018.
M. Bösenhofer, Wartha, E. - M. , Jordan, C. , Feilmayr, C. , Stocker, H. , Hauzenberger, F. , Rieger, J. , Tjaden, S. , Walk, A. , and Harasek, M. , Suitability of pulverised coal testing facilities for blast furnace applications, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, pp. 1 - 12, 2019.
M. Bösenhofer, Feilmayr, C. , Gruber, C. , Harasek, M. , Kiss, M. , Nanz, T. , Rieger, J. , and Stocker, H. , Simulation-Aided Evaluation of Alternative Reducing Agent Conversion Experiments, in AISTech 2024AISTech 2024 Proceedings, 2024.
M. Bösenhofer, Pichler, M. , and Harasek, M. , Heat Transfer Models for Dense Pulverized Particle Jets, Processes, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 238, 2022.
