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C. Jordan and Harasek, M. , Optimale Lamellenfläche eines Radialwärmetauschers für einen biomassebefeuerten Stirling-Motor, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, vol. 87, p. 1044, 2015.
C. Jordan, Haddadi, B. , and Harasek, M. , Numerical investigation of transitional turbulent mixing, in AHPC 17, 2017.
C. Jordan and Harasek, M. , Improvement of a Combustion Unit Based on a Grate Furnace for Granular Dry Solid Biofuels Using CFD Methods, Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 31, pp. 774–781, 2010.
C. Jordan, Friedl, A. , and Harasek, M. , Fluiddynamische Aspekte eines Flugstromreaktors, 2000. (586.07 KB)
C. Jordan, Miltner, M. , Potetz, A. , and Harasek, M. , Modellierung turbulenter Freistrahlen mit numerischer Strömungssimulation (CFD), in Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 8, 2005.
C. Jordan and Harasek, M. , Einsatz von CFD zur Verfahrensoptimierung. 2017.
C. Jordan, Harasek, M. , Maier, C. , Feilmayr, C. , and Schuster, S. , Injection of heavy fuel oil and other auxiliary reduction agents into a blast furnace raceway. 2011.
C. Janeczek, Karabegovic, A. , Huber-Dangl, F. , Harasek, M. , Lukitsch, B. , Krenn, C. G. , Ullrich, R. , Willinger, R. , and Gföhler, M. , Intravascular Membrane Catehter for CO2 Reduction: In Vitro Tests and First Results, in 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, WCB 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
C. Janeczek, Ecker, P. , Huber-Dangl, F. , Karabegovic, A. , Lukitsch, B. , Harasek, M. , Jordan, C. , Ullrich, R. , and Gföhler, M. , The Minimally Invasive Liquid Lung Catheter: In-Vitro Results in a Model Environment, in 45th ESAO Congress, Madrid, Spain, 2018.
C. Janeczek, Lukitsch, B. , Huber-Dangl, F. , Karabegovic, A. , Jordan, C. , Haddadi, B. , Ullrich, R. , Krenn, C. G. , Gföhler, M. , and Harasek, M. , Basic Performance Tests of the MILL Intravascular CO2 Removal Catheter, in 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018.
S. Jäger, Blacher, D. , and Harasek, M. , Physical shape optimization for a three-dimensional ow using a sedimentation-erosion model and the lattice Boltzmann method, in EFMC12 - 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2018.
A. Horvath, Jordan, C. , Harasek, M. , and Varmuza, K. , Combined Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Chemometric Methods in Cyclone Design, in Symposium on Computer Applications and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, 2004.
A. Horvath, Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Emissionsreduktion von Reaktivgas aus einer Laminiermaschine mit Hilfe von CFD, in GVC/Dechema-Jahrestagungen 2006, 78/9, 2006.
A. Horvath, Jordan, C. , Forstner, G. , Altacher, P. , and Harasek, M. , CFD methods for the reduction of reactive gas emission from a paper laminating machine, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 144, pp. 687–691, 2007.
A. Horvath, Jordan, C. , Forstner, G. , Altacher, P. , and Harasek, M. , Control of emission of reactive gas from a paper laminating machine by use of CFD, in Chemical Industry and Environment V (5th European meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment), Horn, Austria, 2006.
A. Horvath, Jordan, C. , Lukasser, M. , Kuttner, C. , Makaruk, A. , and Harasek, M. , CFD Simulation of Bubble Columns using the VOF Model : Comparison of commercial and Open Source Solvers with an Experiment, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 18, pp. 605–610, 2009.
A. Horvath, Jordan, C. , and Harasek, M. , Influence of Vortex-Finder Diameter on Axial Gas Flow in Simple Cyclone, Chemical Product and Process Modeling, vol. 3, 2008.
P. Hinsmann, Frank, J. , Svasek, P. , Harasek, M. , and Lendl, B. , Design, simulation and application of a new micromixing device for time resolved infrared spectroscopy of chemical reactions in solution, Lab on a Chip, vol. 1, pp. 16–21, 2001.
Z. Harsfalvi, Jordan, C. , Haddadi, B. , and Harasek, M. , Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Cooling in a Mixed Vessel using a Non-Newtonian Medium. 2017.
Z. Harsfalvi, Jordan, C. , Haddadi, B. , and Harasek, M. , Heat transfer in stirred reactors (using Non{&}{\#}8208;Newtonian Medium), PFAU - OpenFOAM® User Meeting. 2017.
Z. Harsfalvi, Jordan, C. , Haddadi, B. , and Harasek, M. , Computational fluid dynamic analysis of cooling in a mixed vessel using a non-Newtonian medium, in VSS 2017 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
Z. Harsfalvi, Jordan, C. , Haddadi, B. , and Harasek, M. , Computational fluid dynamic analysis of cooling in a mixed vessel using a non-Newtonian medium, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 61, pp. 565–570, 2017.
M. Harasek, Haddadi, B. , Miltner, M. , Schretter, P. , and Jordan, C. , Fully Resolved CFD Simulation of a Hollow Fibre Membrane Module, Chemical Engineering Transactions, vol. 52, pp. 433–438, 2016.
M. Harasek, Haddadi, B. , Jordan, C. , Gföhler, M. , Janeczek, C. , Karabegovic, A. , Futter, L. , Krenn, C. - G. , Neudl, S. , and Ullrich, R. , Intracorporeal Membrane Catheter for CO₂ Reduction in a Blood-Membrane Contactor, International Journal of Artificial Organs, vol. 40, p. 414, 2017.
M. Harasek, Horvath, A. , and Jordan, C. , Investigation of dependence of gas flow on the geometry of cyclonic separators by CFD simulations, in CHISA 2004 - 16\textsuperscript{th} International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004.
